Slide background



for just about anything you need to help customize!


slide, fade, scale, skew and rotate your individual layers!


trust in us for after sale support, we got your back!

Slide background



much more! create


with no compromises!

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Avada Gives You Power To Create Something That Is Beautiful

Fully Responsive

Avada's responsive framework ensures your content looks great on all screen sizes.

Perfect For All Sizes

No matter the size of your screen or device, your site will look fantastic.

Premium Sliders

Avada includes four premium sliders that make your content stand out!

Make Your Content Stand Out

Avada includes the Layer Slider, Revolution Slider, Fusion Slider and Elastic Slider.

Amazing Elements

Avada offers incredible elements that allow you to create a beautiful site.

Build Something Beautiful

Dozens of well designed shortcodes loaded with options gives you perfect freedom.

Amazing Elements To Build Beauty

The #1 selling theme of all time on Themeforest. But don’t take our word for it, check our features and user testimonials to understand why our users have enjoyed using Avada and keep coming back time after time!

Wordpress 90%
Wordpress 85%
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By |11月 9th, 2023|Categories: お知らせ, 常設店|Tags: , |

こんにちは! 皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 常設店が増えてきたので、ここで一旦まとめてご案内します! お近くにお越しの際は是非ご来店くださいませ♬ 取り扱い商品は店舗により異なります。 在庫や商品に関するお問い合わせは店舗までお願いいたします。   【TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE MARUNOUCHI】 [...]


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皆さんこんにちは! 今回はポップアップのお知らせです。 2025年2月5日(水)~3月9日(日)の間、 TSUTAYA、TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE、BOOKACE TSUTAYAの計5店舗でポップアップを開催します! そして今回はなんと!新商品「トランスフィクス」をこのポップアップで先行発売します! 濃厚なバニラと火をつける前のすーっとするタバコリーフの香りをベースに イランイランとヒナゲシの妖艶なフローラルが恍惚の世界へと誘います。 直訳すると「くぎ付けにする、立ちすくませる」といった意味のあるトランスフィクス。 [...]


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皆様こんにちは。 Winterセールを開催いたします✨ 全品10%OFFとなり、お求めやすい価格になっております! 大変お得な機会ですので、どの香りにするか悩まれている方も、 普段お使いいただいている方も、是非この機会にお買い求めください! 【期間】 2025年1月24日(金)午後15時00分~1月27日(月)午後12時00分 【対象商品】 全商品 ※公式通販サイト限定のキャンペーンのため、amazonは対象外です。 [...]

User Reviews

I bought a copy of this theme to test and I am impressed. Not only the theme is well thought out with good amount options and excellent customisation facilities but their support at their support forum is exemplary.I can thoroughly recommend the theme and the developer. I will be buying more licenses.
Sarumbear, Avada Theme
Awesome, You People are Extraordinary with Support and I don’t know any word which is bigger than extraordinary or have written here million times! Superb Theme Superb People and Superb Support! Thanks for Awesome Help! I don’t need to buy any theme again, this is ultimate THEME for Me for Every Business and Client of Mine.
Sherman, Avada Theme
This theme is GREAT. I have tried to work with other themes in the past and always run into bugs, but not with Avada! It is very easy to customize the theme to suit your site without any code knowledge. The portfolio and sliders are a must-have for me, and Avada truly delivers! I will be sticking with Avada for quite some time!
Marymaier,, Avada Theme

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