Post Sliders Shortcode

Avada includes an awesome Flexsldier plugin that comes bundled with shortcodes. There are 3 different post sliders that can be used. Two of them work with your blog posts, and one is for image attachments. They are great for showcasing your blog posts and images on your website.

Post Slider With Titles

One of the layouts that goes perfectly with your blog is the Post Slider With Titles. It automatically pulls your posts and displays it beautifully. Choose which category you’d like to include and exclude, as well as the number of slides that will be displayed.

Post Slider With Titles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac nisl eget metus imperdiet venenatis non at nisi. Nam vitae risus neque, sed egestas sem. Suspendisse tristique, purus et ullamcorper tempor, purus enim scelerisque nisl, eget mollis turpis tellus ac augue. Proin aliquet lorem at magna eleifend molestie. Donec eu malesuada odio. Pellentesque euismod nulla eget lorem fringilla pharetra. In odio leo, interdum nec laoreet sed, tempus sit amet.

  • Unlimited use per page
  • Auto pulls recent blog posts & titles
  • Many parameters to control content & slide

Post Slider With Titles & Excerpt

Another layout that goes great with your blog is the Post Slider With Titles and Excerpt. It automatically pulls your posts and adds an excerpt to provide your viewers with a sneak peek into the article. Set various settings such as how long your excerpt will be, which category you’d like to include and exclude, as well as the number of slides that will be displayed.

Post Slider Excerpt & Titles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac nisl eget metus imperdiet venenatis non at nisi. Nam vitae risus neque, sed egestas sem. Suspendisse tristique, purus et ullamcorper tempor, purus enim scelerisque nisl, eget mollis turpis tellus ac augue. Proin aliquet lorem at magna eleifend molestie. Donec eu malesuada odio. Pellentesque euismod nulla eget lorem fringilla pharetra. In odio leo, interdum nec laoreet sed, tempus sit amet.

  • Unlimited use per page
  • Auto pulls recent blog posts, titles, excerpt
  • Many parameters to control content & slide
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Post Slider With Attachments

The Attachments layout will automatically pull any images attached to the page, or images from a post. Open your image in a lightbox, or link it to the article. Also control which categories are included or excluded.

Post Slider With Attachments

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac nisl eget metus imperdiet venenatis non at nisi. Nam vitae risus neque, sed egestas sem. Suspendisse tristique, purus et ullamcorper tempor, purus enim scelerisque nisl, eget mollis turpis tellus ac augue. Proin aliquet lorem at magna eleifend molestie. Donec eu malesuada odio. Pellentesque euismod nulla eget lorem fringilla pharetra.

  • Unlimited use per page
  • Auto pulls recent blog posts, titles, excerpt
  • Many parameters to control content & slide

Complete Set of Options

Every option and description included with the post slider shortcode is listed below.

  • layout – Can be one of these values: posts, which pulls blog posts, attachments, which pulls images attached to the page and shows thumbnail navigation, or posts-with-excerpt, which pulls blog posts with excerpts.
  • excerpt – Accepts a numerical value that sets the number of words you want to show in the excerpt. Can only be used with the posts-with-excerpt layout.
  • category – The slug of the category you want to display.
  • limit – Accepts a numerical value that  sets the number of slides you’d like to display.
  • lightbox – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. Can only be used with the attachments layout.
  • class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
  • id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.

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